Save the Date: Evaluations for A - Majors (Gr 3-7) are Sunday, March 9!
Click here for a Master Schedule
Curfew is sundown
Dear Westport Families,
REGISTER NOW: LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL (including 50/70 but not Challenger)
We are looking forward to another amazing season of little league baseball! Registration is now open! We ask that you please sign up ASAP as we prepare for the upcoming season. Our registration numbers inform planning for items including equipment and uniform purchases, coaching assignments and sponsorships. The sooner you register your child, the more prepared Westport Little League Baseball can be.
Click above to register your child for the upcoming season based on his or her current grade level for the 2024/2025 school year.
We expect Opening Day week to begin on Monday, March 31 for the PK/K through Majors divisions of Little League. The opening day for Challenger is Saturday April 26th. There will be no league scheduled event through the Spring Break weekends of April 12/13 to April 19/20, but coaches are free to schedule games during break for teams/players who remain in town.
Please note that evaluations for A through Majors (third through seventh grade Little League participants) will be held on Sunday, March 9 in the Staples Fieldhouse. These are mandatory.
Details to follow regarding the exact time for these evaluations for each age group, which are held to achieve balanced rosters. There are no evaluations required for the Cap K through Cap 2 leagues.
The Spring Little League season typically ends in mid to late June--around the time that the Westport school year ends.
Registration will remain open until March 19 for the A through Majors and Challenger leagues, and March 22 for the Cap K through Cap 2 leagues. Participation in Spring Little League will not be guaranteed after such dates, and a late fee of $50 per player will be assessed.
The table below sets forth the WLLB league name for each grade and anticipated regular season game days and times, which remain subject to change.
Grade League Game(s)
PK/K Cap K (Gr PK/K) Sat 1:00 pm
1 Cap 1 (Gr 1) Sat 11:00 am
2 Cap 2 (Gr 2) Sat 9:00 am
3 A (Gr 3) Sat 4:30 pm, Mon 6:00 pm
4 AA (Gr 4) Sat 2:00 pm, Thurs 6:00 pm
5 AAA (Gr 5) Sat 11:30 am, Tues 6:00 pm
6/7 Majors (Gr 6/7) Sat 9:00 am, Wed 6:00 pm
AGE REQUIREMENTS: WLLB is generally organized by grade. However, please note that a child must have been born on or before December 31, 2020 to be eligible to play during the 2025 Spring season. In addition, the Majors division is intended for 6th and 7th graders who were born on or after September 1, 2012.
All players who register for Spring Little League Baseball are expected to play in at least 60% of the regular season games. Please note that failure to meet this requirement could result in ineligibility to play in the playoffs or penalties enforced against the team. This has been a significant problem in recent Spring seasons, which resulted in unbalanced rosters and uneven games during the course of the season that compromised the integrity of the experience for players and coaches.
Team practices will be scheduled by coaches once teams are selected. When registering, please note all potential conflicts in your child’s schedule so that those responsible for putting teams and practice schedules together can take into consideration and try to avoid schedule conflicts.
CHALLENGER LEAGUE BASEBALL: This league, which focuses on fun and building life-long friendships, is open to boys and girls with intellectual and/or physical challenges. Games will be played mid-day on Saturdays and/or Sundays in Westport and in neighboring towns. There is no cost to register for our Challenger program but any donations to the Westport Winners team is appreciated. Donations go directly to the players for snacks, lunches and parties plus enable us to give gifts to our buddies at the end of the season. Age eligibility starts at 5 years old (must be in Kindergarten). Please email Challenger Commissioner, Beth Cody, at with any questions.
WESTPORT YOUTH TRAVEL BASEBALL: Children participating in any of Westport’s Youth Travel Baseball programs (8U through 12U) this Spring must, as a condition to their participation in our Youth Travel Baseball programs, also register for and be a full participant in Westport's Spring Little League Baseball program.
DISTRICTS BASEBALL: Any child who wishes to try out for and play on any Westport District All-Star Team this summer must register for and be a full participant in Westport's Spring Little League. All players who seek to play on any Westport District All-Star Team (9U through 12U) are required to play in at least 60% of the Spring regular season Little League games. This threshold is mandated by Little League International and must be certified by managers this summer. Any parent who wishes to coach a District Baseball Team must have coached in Spring Little League.
The registration fees for the 2025 Little League baseball season are:
We offer a family discount of $25 for each child registered after the first player is registered. The fee for the first child is the full price.
Please note that your registration is not considered complete until payment of the registration fee is made. Any registration that is not completed and paid in full within two hours will be deleted and your child will not be deemed registered or placed on a team.
If participation of your child(ren) in Little League presents a financial hardship for your family, you may apply for financial aid through Town of Westport Youth Services. If you wish to apply, please complete the online registration and select the financial aid option. Your registration with WLL will not be deleted for non-payment. Please contact ASAP to apply with Youth Services in order to determine eligibility.
If your child is playing in one of our programs for the first time, you must mail a copy of his/her birth certificate to Westport Little League. In addition, if this is the first time a member of your family is participating in one of our programs, you must also mail proof of residency (such as a utility or phone bill). Please scan and email these items to Beth Cody at, or mail them to:
Westport Little League, Attention Beth Cody
P.O. Box 581
Westport CT 06881
Your child cannot participate without first meeting these requirements.
WLLB manages programs for hundreds of children, and we do our best to form balanced teams. For Cap K through Cap 2 (Grades pre-K through 2nd Grade), teams generally include players from the same elementary school. The Commissioners of Cap K and Cap 1 teams will make efforts to accommodate teammate and coach preferences indicated in registration when populating teams. However, in Cap 2 (second grade), we unfortunately cannot honor requests for children to be placed on a particular team or with a specific coach or other player due to the size of our program, the conflicting nature of requests, the need to create balanced teams, the complexity of populating teams and the volunteer nature of our organization. Rosters of teams for A, AA, AAA and Majors (Grades 3 through 7) are selected via draft.
Refunds (less a $25 processing fee) can be issued upon written request to prior to the announcement of team rosters. After team rosters are announced, refunds will only be issued (on a pro-rata basis) for season-ending injuries upon a written request to Such request must be accompanied by a doctor's note. In the event that the Spring season is shortened or canceled due to local or state government mandates pertaining to COVID-19, WLLB will refund registration fees net of any non-recoverable costs and expenses.
Refunds will not be provided for any COVID-related quarantine periods.
Our programs could not exist without parent coaches who generously volunteer their time. For parents who would like to volunteer as a head coach or assistant coach, please check the appropriate box on your child’s registration form. The WLLB commissioners will choose a head coach and at least one assistant coach for each team. Once teams are formed, each team can add another coach (approved by WLLB) who is a parent of a child on the roster. The number of teams in a league (which is driven by registration) informs the number of coaches required so not every request to volunteer to coach can be granted.
If your child is in the 6th grade or older and is interested in working as an umpire and earning money, please sign them up separately to be an umpire. The pay is $40 per game for plate umpires and $30 for base umpires.
Westport Baseball & Softball is a nonprofit organization that, among other things, funds repairs and capital improvements of fields in town. Please contact us at if you would like to make a donation.
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions about our programs not found on our website, please email us at
Thank you for your interest in Westport baseball. We look forward to warmer and drier weather and seeing you on the baseball fields!
REGISTER NOW: LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL (including 50/70 but not Challenger)
--Westport Little League Baseball
Calling all Little Leaguers!
Get Ready for the SPRING BASEBALL SEASON at the
Tuesday, March 4
6 – 8 pm
Staples Field House
Boys and girls in grades K-7 are invited to participate in the annual instructional Spring Clinic hosted by the Staples Baseball program. It’s a chance for Little Leaguers to dust off their gloves and brush up on their hitting, fielding and base running skills before the Spring season!
Have some fun with Staples coaches and players who will run drills and games aimed at skill development. Little Leaguers will be separated by skill and grade level to ensure appropriate, personalized training.
$40 fee per player includes a slice of pizza
To register, please click here to Venmo @StaplesBBDiamondClub by March 1 and indicate player’s name, grade and parent email in memo line. Registration after March 1 is $50 per player. Players should bring bat, glove and water bottle. Please email with any questions.